Here peoples and places over the world !
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My Havana 20 years later
My havana so beautiful and so sad, stopped in time, with people who laugh but who suffer, my havana always.
Sagua de Tanamo
Place of birth of my father where I lived for a while been a boy, riding horses and swimming in the rivers, sweet memories I keep in my heart from there, a tribute to his good and humble peoples.
Spain the mother country for us Cubans, with its history, culture and culinary tradition, place you always want to return to, wonderful country.
New Orleans
New Orleans is all music, you can find it everywhere played by virtuous musicians, their food is the best you can try, a lovely place
Las Vegas
Las Vegas, the city of sin, in Las Vegas boulevard is the same in activity at 6 in the afternoon as at 6 in the morning, game, game and more game, margarita, music ...
Portugal land discoverer yesterday, the best cod that can be eaten today, the Fado his traditional music transmits sadness but likes.
Sebring the city of the lakes, a peaceful place in the center of la forida
Holguin the city of parks, with its cheerful people and beautiful women
washington DC
Washington where the beloved dollar is printed, where the president of the United States lives, elegant, with many sun and free museums.